Friday, March 22, 2013

Let us not worry!

We worry about what is not in our hands. Ninety percent of the things we tend to worry about we have no control over, so why worry about them? It will happen for what you are worrying, because it is written in our destinies. We just have to stop worrying and start thinking of possible solutions of the matter we are worried about. Before those worries and troubles overcome our minds and souls and start manipulating our personality, let’s overcome them, and throw them out with the weapon we are gifted by GOD, that is, mind.
Best way to get rid of our worries, sorrows and fears is that we have to start living every moment of present happily, bravely and vigorously. Forget the past and future. Put your past in a folder like we put our precious papers or any office record, and throw it away in the corner of your room and forget it. Just open it when you need to learn any lesson from your past mistakes, otherwise,” the past is a puzzle like a broken mirror. As you piece it together, you cut yourself; your image keeps shifting & you change with it.” 
Here arises a question about future that, if we forget about our future then how can we go ahead? How can we achieve our goals? Answer is simple that, once you came out of past and started living each and every moment of present, accepted the challenges, worst consequences and started focusing, and following the path of triumph which eventually will lead you to the worriless life, then your future will inevitably become glittering.
Above I mentioned, “Worst Consequences”. So we have to contemplate on the worst consequences of the matter, that what we would lose so badly if any kind of worrisome situation occurs,then we have to measure and judge the worst.
“From the time on, I calmly devoted my time and energy in trying to improve upon the WORST which I had already accepted mentally.”  These are the words of the famous American writer Dale Carnegie, who depicted the situation in a way to accept the worst mentally and to work on improving it, which will ultimately give us a joyous life.
Then of course, in the mean time how we can forget seeking help from GOD. Because, we on our own are nothing.  But with the positive vision, courage and help of GOD, life is going to be the bed of roses. Having said that “The sovereign cure for worry is prayer”, proves that to fight with our worries we also need some spiritual help to boost up our entire energy of combating the worries. Gandhi has rightly said that,  “There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever.”
 Patience is also a factor which is indirectly proportional to the worries. Dealing with the worries prudently and bravely patience plays an imperative role. A Roman writer and poet Publilius Syrus (1st century B.C) said that, “Patience is a remedy for every sorrow.”
I think in this world there is no such thing to worry about; whatever happened, is happening and will happen is the will of GOD. The only thing to worry about in this world is that, what will happen hereafter, when we will leave this world. We have to prepare ourselves, and we have to worry about the life hereafter.
Why waste your time on worry stress and woe
For life is brief and time quickly ticks away
And why stress yourself about things you cannot change
Since worrying leaves you look old and gray. (Francis Duggan)

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جيڪڏهن ممڪن هجي ته پنهنجو تبصرو موڪليو

اهم اطلاع :- غير متعلق، غير اخلاقي ۽ ذاتيارت تي مشتمل تبصرن کان پرهيز ڪريو. انتظاميه اهڙي تبصري کي ختم ڪرڻ جو حق رکي ٿي. هوئن به خيالن جو متفق هجڻ ضروري ناهي.۔ جيڪڏهن توهان جي ڪمپيوٽر ۾ سنڌي ڪيبورڊ انسٽال ٿيل ناهي ته سنڌي ۾ تبصرو لکڻ لاءِ هيٺين خاني ۾ سنڌي لکي ڪاپي ڪريو ۽ تبصري واري خاني ۾ پيسٽ ڪري پبلش بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪريو.۔
تبصرو موڪليو